Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Welcome to Pre K Cottage!  I plan on sharing lots of fun things we do in pre k.
Right now, we are just out of school so I am working on next year's plans while I still have momentum.  I have learned over the years that waiting until the end of July is not good.  I don't have the motivation after those lazy summer days.

When I used to teach kindergarten, I would plan out the entire year.  I would make a table with a row for every week and columns for reading, phonics, theme, math, science, letter, and number.  Later on, I added an essential questions column.

Last year, we (pre k team) made a year long plan and we loved it!  We made one for reading and one for math/science.  On the reading plan, we listed books that we usually use for that letter/theme and the skill we were working on (story elements (setting, characters, etc), make-believe/realism, sequencing, etc).  Doing this makes it easy to make sure you are covering everything you need to teach over the year.  We have a reading curriculum and pull things from it.  If your school requires you to use a reading curriculum, such as Scott Foresman, you can still do this!

It also makes weekly lesson planning so much easier! ♥